This is an 18-page Arabic language document authored by an individual named Kamal al-Din al-Naqshabandi, the “Chairman of the Media and Recruiting Committee” of an insurgent organization that used to be active in Iraq, named “al-Jihad wa-al-Tahrir,” led by Izzat al-Duri, former Vice Chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council until the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003.

The document consists of three parts:

– A letter written by al-Naqshabandi in which he informs al-Duri, the Grand Commander of al-Jihad wa-al-Tahrir that, based on his orders, all the heads of the group’s brigades have met in order to create a mechanism to “establish a committee to set the regulations of publishing releases that document all the military operations of these brigades.”

– A record detailing the events that took place at that meeting including names and positions of attendees, details of issues discussed at that meeting and the decisions made at the end of that meeting.

– Four suggested templates for how each brigade commander should deliver releases that document military operations to the committee’s headquarter.

The document was dated on 12/10/2009 and it was labeled as “Top Secret.”

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